May 27, 2013
Missionary Slim is a man of few words this week. (Week 68 in Pennsylvania, Week 9 in Somerset, PA)
We had a pretty interesting week, which we kicked off with a baptismal invitation. Ben and Jen, two investigators who we've been working with for a goodly time, chose to be baptized. We had a good lesson, explained the ordinance and the covenant, and then gave the, the invitation: "Ben and Jen, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone who holds the proper authority?" Their answer was, without hesitation "Yes." We talked to Ben later in the week, and asked him what he thought about baptism and he said "we talked about it a little bit, and, you know, it think it'll help things between us." He's really wanting to make his family strong and provide for them, and he pretty much told us of how he thinks that baptism will help him. I was thrilled.
The church here in Somerset was dedicated this week. It was pretty remarkable; two former missionary couples cam back from Utah to attend the dedication, and the whole chapel was filled with former branch members and friends. It was a real milestone for this branch. They talked about how it began with just two member, a husband and his wife, and it grew in the thirty five years since then to nearly fifty persons. Needless to say, the main theme of the talks was continued growth and missionary work. That in and of itself was inspiring to me.
Otherwise, things are pretty good. The work is moving forward, slowly but surely. It's slow going, but this dedication was evidence that there is progress, and everything good that we do helps that work move on.
That's about all.
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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