May 13, 2013
Missionary Slim finds the Amish actually use power tools and love Pizza! (Week 66 in Pennsylvania, Week 7 in Somerset, PA)
This week has been pretty extraordinary, so I'll just jump into it.
Sunday, we had stake conference. But it was a little different, because instead of all meeting at the stake center and being taught by the stake presidency and such, we got a broadcast from Salt Lake City and had some General Authorities speak. Pretty nifty, I'd say. Interestingly enough, we had the prayers and songs locally, and only the talks were broadcast.
Well, when a brother from the branch was praying, the chapel phone started ringing. Someone who was in the hall got it, and when the prayer was over, came in and said "It's for you!" I did the classic "Who? Me?" face, got up, and took the call.
It was an obscure member named Bro. Williams. Nobody in the branch knows him, but apparently he's been living in the branch long enough that he had a referral to give us of a friend of his. This friend, Bill, has been going through some rough times, has some mild depression issues, and according to Bro. Williams is crazy. Regardless, he's got some interest in the church. As a bonus, we got Bro. Williams address and phone number, and he's interested in getting active in the church too. Boo-yeah.
Our first visit with Bill was pretty excellent. We gained his trust by picking up some groceries at the local food pantry for him (since he has no transportation) and he got right into asking about the church and wanting to learn more about it. He is very excited about it, and I think he'll come to find that this is exactly what he's been looking for.
Wednesday, we were working at the food pantry when my companion came up to me. "Hey, isn't Bro Wirick on our branch directory?" This is the name of one of the people we've been looking for ever since we've gotten here, and haven't made any progress. As it turns out, this lost sheep got hungry, and ended up coming to the food pantry the very day that we were there. Oh, and to add to it, out of the many volunteers at the pantry, the one who took his food out to his vehicle was my companion. Hmmm.... strange coincidence. When we went out to talk to him before he drove off, he was incredibly friendly and nice and sincerely wanted to come back to church - he was just nervous to talk to us. We got his new address and when we went to visit him later that week, he expressed similar enthusiasm. That was just another testament to me that this is the Lords work, and he most certainly has a huge part of it.
One final, more entertaining experience. The branch mission leader gave us a call. "Hey guys! I'm putting together a green house and was wondering if you could give us some help." Our day was pretty empty, and we were getting dinner out of the deal, so we decided to go lend a hand. As it turns out, he already had a few there. Two local Amish guys were there to assist. They were hard at work when we arrived, putting together the steel frame, drilling holes (with power tools! Who would have thought?) for the screws, climbing across the frame with incredible strength and dexterity - I was impressed. We talked to them for a bit - one of them was married and worked as a painter and sandblaster and helped to build green houses on the side. His brother was living at home where his parents build furniture. As can be expected, the two were super down-to-earth with great humor, the nicest guys you could meet. When dinner time came around (and a thunderstorm hit), the mission leader asked "You guys are welcome to stay for dinner. Do you like pizza?" The older of the two yelled, "Pizza? I LOVE pizza!" So, we had pizza with some Amish!
That's about all. The work keeps moving forward! Now, go give your mom a hug or something.
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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