January 13, 2014
Missionary Slim is Homeward Bound (Week 101 in Pennsylvania, Week 12 in Wintersville, Ohio)
It's a challenge to put my thoughts and feelings into words, mainly because there are so many of them. This whole post might be the vaguest of them all. This is because, like the Spirit and love itself, the feelings I have are so difficult to describe. I hope and pray that as you read, the Spirit will bring the ideas I wish to express to your hearts so that you can understand what I am trying to express.
The past two years have felt like just that - two years. It's been long and a lot has happened during that time. Yet it's a blur. From the moment my feet hit the pavement of the MTC in Provo to this moment now, in Wintersville, Ohio, I have become a different man in every way.
My expectations have been shattered; my perspectives changed; my paradigm shifted; my priorities adjusted; my testimony rooted; my determination renewed. My life will never be the same again.
I've struggled through so many trials.
Arguing with people so set in their ways that they won't budge, and then wondering if I'm the close-minded one.
Bearing with investigators, week after week, when they tell me they'll come to church or read their scriptures, or pray... and don't.
Contentions with companions leading to either full-out yelling matches or days of the silent treatment.
Dealing with injustice, with ignorant missionary leaders or ward leaders who are so dead-set on their way or the highway that nothing gets done.
Encouraging constantly those who are too unmotivated or too scared to do what they know is right.
Finding those whom the Lord has prepared for me to find, when it seems I've knocked on every door in sight and talked with every person.
Giving my all when I had no more all to give, or even worse not giving my all when I knew I had more to give.
Having my testimony challenged day after day, both from without and within.
It's been a trip, for sure.
Just as well, though. Because, for every trial I've waded through, I've been given a bushel of blessings.
Kindness from members who have so little, giving my companion and I what little they have with faith that the Lord will give them what they need..
Love from those who barely know me, encouraging and lifting me in my times of struggle.
Moments of tenderness and power with those who are struggling themselves and need to be lifted. Those are the times when I have felt the spirit strongest.
Not knowing how things will work out, and then, almost magically, the Lord prepares a way.
(for those of you who noticed, I'm going to stop my little poetic pattern here - it's getting hard to keep up. :P)
I've become good friends with some of the most amazing people that I could possibly have met.
I've been uplifted and strengthened by testimonies of those who have been through so much more than I could possibly imagine, and stuck it out till the end.
I have found that my influence has extended far beyond those who are not members of the church. I've been able to touch the lives of non-members, investigators, less-active members, fully active members, companions, other missionaries, my family, my friends, and hopefully some of you.
I've studied and done my best to treasure up the words of Eternal Life, and have found the joy that comes therein.
I have learned what true prayer is and how to talk with my Heavenly Father, and not just to Him.
I have strengthened my testimony of penitent fasting and beheld it's effects in my life.
I have witnessed the power of the Priesthood. I have seen miracles as those who I have laid hands upon have healed, sometimes instantly.
I have seen firsthand the power of the Atonement, and the incredible miracle of forgiveness. It has happened in the lives of investigators. It has happened in the lives of members. It has happened in my life. I've repented every day of my mission. That's because I've screwed up every day of my mission. But I still manage to receive forgiveness. That is the Grace of Jesus Christ. That is the Love of Heavenly Father.
I have come to learn who my Lord and Savior is. I have realized the pure love which my Father in Heaven has for me and for each and every one of His children, of whom you are a part.
My purpose as a missionary was to bring souls to Christ; the mission's purpose was to bring me to Him. I certainly hope that I have fulfilled my purpose, but I feel confident that the mission has fulfilled it's purpose for me in my life.
I know that this is just the beginning - that there is so much more ahead of me. Perhaps now, more than ever before, I know what really is ahead for me. I know the great challenges that life brings, but I know the glory of the life to come for those who are faithful and endure.
It's amazing and beautiful and marvelous and precious to me.
Thanks to every one of you for your support, even in just reading the blog every now and then. I hope it has fulfilled it's purpose in extending my missionary efforts to all those who read. It's been a pleasure to serve my Father in Heaven and I certainly look forward to every opportunity ahead of me.
Best of wishes, and God Bless to all of you!
Elder Alex Anderson, Missionary Slim
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