May 20, 2013
Missionary Slim is eating some "Mountain Pies". Hopefully they aren't like "Meadow Muffins". (Week 67 in Pennsylvania, Week 8 in Somerset, PA)
We had another interesting experience with food. Some less active members had us over for a barbecue and started up a fire in the back yard so we could make "Mountain Pies." I've never heard of them, so I figured I'd give it a go. You take two slices of bread, buttered on one side, and place them in this cast iron contraption. Between the bread goes whatever you want - pie filling, meat and gravy, or even pepperoni and pizza sauce! The cast iron encloses the whole deal and then is placed into the burning hot fire. A minute and a half later, you have a mini-pie! Now, I might just not be knowledgeable in the ways of cooking stuff in a campfire (it's never been done at any of my scout camps), but I think this is pretty fantastic.
Last Saturday, in our lesson with a less-active member, he gave us a referral. "Go talk to my daughter, Brandy," he told us. "She's going through a rough time, just moved, and could really use what you've been giving me." His daughter is not a member, and as of yet we don't even really know what her spiritual background is. We stopped by the address that he gave us a couple of times, but never were able to meet anyone. Finally, we asked the neighbors if anyone had moved in recently, and they pointed us to the right home.
When we first met Brandy, she was incredibly happy that we came by. "I've really been thinking about getting into something," she said. While we were there talking to her, her boyfriend came out to take a smoke and started talking to us. He apparently had a foundation in Jehovah's Witnesses, but wasn't really sure about anything. "I'm just trying to find the truth." At the end of our visit, they were both pretty certain that they would be coming to church.
Needless to say, Elder Swanson and I were overjoyed to find these people. It seems like they've been prepared for right now and are totally ready to start on the Gospel path.
That's about it!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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