September 24, 2012
Missionary Slim has another "Crazy Week" (Week 33 in Pennsylvania, Week 15 in Pittsburgh, PA)
So, the Gospel is true. Just thought I would let you all know.
The very day I wrote last week saying "We are really close to being done with Brenda, but we're sticking around," we were wandering around the streets of Pittsburgh. It was late; we needed to go home soon. But we decided we would walk down one more street to see if we could find someone walking around who we could talk to. As it turns out, we didn't find somebody walking - we found Brenda driving. Her route home was very unusual to have put her in our path, but I'm convinced that it was not a mere coincidence.
"Hey, Elders!" she yelled out to us from her car. We walked over and started talking. She had a wonderful day of work, and actually used our lesson from the previous day to help someone who she visited for her work (she's a traveling family services social worker. Bless her heart). Then she told us "Every time I see you two, I get so happy!" I'll be honest, I feel the same way about her. "That's the Spirit!" we told her.
Later that week, we taught her in her home. She really opened up to us and told us her concerns about baptism and our message. With her, it's all baby-steps. Line upon line. Right now, she's got the concept of Apostasy. She's still struggling with the whole Restoration thing, but she totally understands the role of the Book of Mormon. At this point, she's really wanting to witness a baptism and meet with the bishop. Now we just have to help her realize that her chances of meeting with the bishop increase substantially if she actually comes to church. So that's where we're at.
TY. Ty is awesome. We met him a few weeks ago, taught him once, and haven't been able to visit him since. We've seen him around, but all of our appointments fall through. Well, we were out getting ready to pound on some doors. We were in his neighborhood, though, so we figured 'why not?' As it turns out, he was home! He invited us right in, sat us down, and we had a lesson right then and there. We watched "The Restoration" (great film, by the way. Try to find it on Immediately afterward, he started tearing up. He told us about a crazy cool dream that he had, and how when he woke up, he felt this peace. "That's the Spirit!" we told him. He agreed, and told us he may not have had that dream if we didn't introduce him to the Book of Mormon. "If you guys never showed up again, I would still read the Book of Mormon." YES!
One more crazy story. This one is about Crazy Linda. She's a ward member and... well, she really is crazy. Seriously. I would draw a picture if I could, but the word description will have to do. Her hair is all over the place. Seriously, everywhere. Her eyeballs are always pointing in different directions. She wears thick, colored glasses and the goofiest clothing (Imagine Sybil Trelawney from Harry Potter). She loves the missionaries, and collects their name-tags ("I'll buy yours for fifty bucks!" "No thanks, Linda. I like it where it's at."). She talks a million miles a second and hardly makes any sense. And, She's a Mormon. (that would make for a catchy commercial, huh?)
Anyway, we've been told all kinds of things about Crazy Linda. Bad things. We've been dodging her for the past three months, but finally we got cornered into having dinner at her home. It was... better than I expected. It was certainly not the worst food I've eaten on my mission (but it is always concerning when someone says "Guess what our mystery meat is tonight!" Not a good sign) We survived it well, and live to tell the tale!
Take care all!
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
The very day I wrote last week saying "We are really close to being done with Brenda, but we're sticking around," we were wandering around the streets of Pittsburgh. It was late; we needed to go home soon. But we decided we would walk down one more street to see if we could find someone walking around who we could talk to. As it turns out, we didn't find somebody walking - we found Brenda driving. Her route home was very unusual to have put her in our path, but I'm convinced that it was not a mere coincidence.
"Hey, Elders!" she yelled out to us from her car. We walked over and started talking. She had a wonderful day of work, and actually used our lesson from the previous day to help someone who she visited for her work (she's a traveling family services social worker. Bless her heart). Then she told us "Every time I see you two, I get so happy!" I'll be honest, I feel the same way about her. "That's the Spirit!" we told her.
Later that week, we taught her in her home. She really opened up to us and told us her concerns about baptism and our message. With her, it's all baby-steps. Line upon line. Right now, she's got the concept of Apostasy. She's still struggling with the whole Restoration thing, but she totally understands the role of the Book of Mormon. At this point, she's really wanting to witness a baptism and meet with the bishop. Now we just have to help her realize that her chances of meeting with the bishop increase substantially if she actually comes to church. So that's where we're at.
TY. Ty is awesome. We met him a few weeks ago, taught him once, and haven't been able to visit him since. We've seen him around, but all of our appointments fall through. Well, we were out getting ready to pound on some doors. We were in his neighborhood, though, so we figured 'why not?' As it turns out, he was home! He invited us right in, sat us down, and we had a lesson right then and there. We watched "The Restoration" (great film, by the way. Try to find it on Immediately afterward, he started tearing up. He told us about a crazy cool dream that he had, and how when he woke up, he felt this peace. "That's the Spirit!" we told him. He agreed, and told us he may not have had that dream if we didn't introduce him to the Book of Mormon. "If you guys never showed up again, I would still read the Book of Mormon." YES!
One more crazy story. This one is about Crazy Linda. She's a ward member and... well, she really is crazy. Seriously. I would draw a picture if I could, but the word description will have to do. Her hair is all over the place. Seriously, everywhere. Her eyeballs are always pointing in different directions. She wears thick, colored glasses and the goofiest clothing (Imagine Sybil Trelawney from Harry Potter). She loves the missionaries, and collects their name-tags ("I'll buy yours for fifty bucks!" "No thanks, Linda. I like it where it's at."). She talks a million miles a second and hardly makes any sense. And, She's a Mormon. (that would make for a catchy commercial, huh?)
Anyway, we've been told all kinds of things about Crazy Linda. Bad things. We've been dodging her for the past three months, but finally we got cornered into having dinner at her home. It was... better than I expected. It was certainly not the worst food I've eaten on my mission (but it is always concerning when someone says "Guess what our mystery meat is tonight!" Not a good sign) We survived it well, and live to tell the tale!
Take care all!
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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