October 1, 2012
Missionary Slim goes to a Baptist revival (Week 34 in Pennsylvania, Week 16 in Pittsburgh, PA)
I know I write long. Sorry about that. I sometimes wish I could be like the Stake President here in Pittsburgh who bore his testimony in our sacrament meeting as such:
"I just want to testify that God does answer our prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
I could write about just Saturday and Sunday, and would be totally satisfied. But, I'll give a brief recounting of the week, and then get to the good stuff.
I've mentioned the Howie family before, I'm sure. They lived in Mormonville Nevada (not a real city), and were totally surprised by how nice people were, like most people are. They took the lessons, went to church, and Alicia, the mom, got baptized. However, the two daughters, Calielle and (get this) Cylazha (Sah-lay-shah) were not. Well, they want to be. We went over to visit with them, and the whole time we were talking to them, they were telling us how much they loved the Book of Mormon, how much they wanted to come to church, how much they wanted to get baptized. It was pretty amazing. We'll see where this all goes, but I'm certain that a lot of good will come from it all.
There was a devil worshiper we met a few weeks ago who we ran into again. On our first encounter, he invited us to meet the miserable man himself. We politely declined, and then invited him to meet Jesus. He did not politely decline. That is to say, he did decline, just not politely. Anyway, when we passed by him this time, we were getting ready to go in and teach a woman who lived near his salon ("666 Styles - Unleash the inner beast") He was super rude at us ("I don't associate with Mormons" and then gestured) and at her, but we just let it slide - that's what you do as a missionary. It really bothered the woman, though, who knew him personally. Well, we walk out from the appointment and he was there waiting for us. "Come over here, guys." I was super concerned, but, eh. What the hay. I've got God on my side. What's the worst that could happen?
"I just wanted to apologize to you."
Uh.... What? Jaw: dropped.
"That was very rude of me, and I know you guys do this for two years, and you don't deserve crap like that from me."
I wanted to tell him that it was very Christlike of him doing that, but I didn't want to provoke him at all. It was... bizarre. Really weird. He seemed sincere though. So, this just goes to show, being a good example can soften any heart.
Okay, now to the really good stuff.
Wednesday, we went knocking on doors. We met a really cool woman, Diana. She was in a hurry, but had enough time to kindly tell us that her sister was a member and she was looking forward to when her nephew would be doing a mission like us. She also mentioned her niece was planning on being baptized. That was the extent of our visit. I'll get back to her later.
Brenda. She is pretty much the investigator who we are most concerned about with right now. Every single time we visit with her, we can tell she is closer and closer to baptism. She just isn't there yet. We don't know what's taking her. We know she reads the Book of Mormon sporadically and prays for the truth, and we're trying our hardest to help things click and help her understand the importance of doing. She just isn't. But, she does want to do some things. She wanted to meet the Bishop. She wants to watch General Conference. She wants to witness a baptism. Cool. We can work with those.
So, we had our visit with the Bishop this weekend. She came in and just started asking question. She asked about the Apostasy, the Restoration, the Church, the Bishop, the Priesthood, the power, the authority, the callings, etc. She was mainly driving at two things: First, she was extended a calling in her other church, a baptist denomination. Second, she really wanted a priesthood blessing by the laying on of hands. Cool? I don't know. I mean, it's awesome that she recognizes that we hold the priesthood, but it's weird that she doesn't see what that implies - the truth of the Restoration and the falsehood of her own church. We're really confused at this point, but we'll keep working with her. We offered to support her as she accepted the calling at her own church.
Yep. Elder Anderson went to a baptist church.
It was my first time attending a service of any other kind of denomination. I was excited to learn more about other people and how they worship. I was not expecting what I got, though.
Hooting, hollering, praising, "Halleluiah"-ing. Drums, organs, yelling, singing the same thing over and over again. A few of my favorite quotes from the service:
"We need some more praise up in this piece! If you stop praising, you'll let the devil in!"
"Praise like the Steeler's just won, but remember that they can't save you. Ben Rothlisberger (one of the Steeler's QBs) can't save you. Only Jesus can save you!"
"This is not a show! This is not a game! This is real!"
"This church has been around for 47 years, so we expect an offering of $47 from every member."
That last one was a paraphrase, but he really did expect $47 from every member in addition to the tithes. All of the other ones are honest to goodness quotes."
Now, I like the Brethren, want to witness that there is good in this church. I do not want to discredit any of the work or service that the pastor and other staff perform. But, I also want to submit with all of the power of my testimony and authority of my calling that the true church of Jesus Christ has been restored, and it was not that church which I attended. That is all that I want to say about that.
I was glad that we went to support Brenda, though. She needs love more than anything. She is still learning with us, and is still looking for the truth. I just pray that she will be able to discern what really is the truth, and then have the courage to choose the right.
Sunday evening was straight up incredible.
We were in Diana's neighborhood, and just decided to knock on her door. I don't know why. Well, I didn't know then. But I know now.
It was pandemonium in that home when we visited. Lots of people, family, etc (the member sister was not present, though). One of her sisters answered the door, and was stunned to find out that we are missionaries. "One moment." She closed the door, but we could hear her conversation as we waited. "I think it's a sign." "Should we have them come up?" "They were sent from God!" The door opened again and Diana was standing there, puffy faced. "Come on in, guys. Come on up." She explained to us that her husband was dying of cancer. She showed us up the stairs and introduced us. Well, as much as you could introduce a man who was unconscious. He was in a bad state. We said a prayer and gave a blessing, and gave words of comfort and counsel to the family. The Spirit was felt, the power of God was manifest. It was an incredible miracle.
I don't think I need to say much more about any of this. I'll just hope and pray that the Spirit will teach any who read this what they need to learn.
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
"I just want to testify that God does answer our prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
I could write about just Saturday and Sunday, and would be totally satisfied. But, I'll give a brief recounting of the week, and then get to the good stuff.
I've mentioned the Howie family before, I'm sure. They lived in Mormonville Nevada (not a real city), and were totally surprised by how nice people were, like most people are. They took the lessons, went to church, and Alicia, the mom, got baptized. However, the two daughters, Calielle and (get this) Cylazha (Sah-lay-shah) were not. Well, they want to be. We went over to visit with them, and the whole time we were talking to them, they were telling us how much they loved the Book of Mormon, how much they wanted to come to church, how much they wanted to get baptized. It was pretty amazing. We'll see where this all goes, but I'm certain that a lot of good will come from it all.
There was a devil worshiper we met a few weeks ago who we ran into again. On our first encounter, he invited us to meet the miserable man himself. We politely declined, and then invited him to meet Jesus. He did not politely decline. That is to say, he did decline, just not politely. Anyway, when we passed by him this time, we were getting ready to go in and teach a woman who lived near his salon ("666 Styles - Unleash the inner beast") He was super rude at us ("I don't associate with Mormons" and then gestured) and at her, but we just let it slide - that's what you do as a missionary. It really bothered the woman, though, who knew him personally. Well, we walk out from the appointment and he was there waiting for us. "Come over here, guys." I was super concerned, but, eh. What the hay. I've got God on my side. What's the worst that could happen?
"I just wanted to apologize to you."
Uh.... What? Jaw: dropped.
"That was very rude of me, and I know you guys do this for two years, and you don't deserve crap like that from me."
I wanted to tell him that it was very Christlike of him doing that, but I didn't want to provoke him at all. It was... bizarre. Really weird. He seemed sincere though. So, this just goes to show, being a good example can soften any heart.
Okay, now to the really good stuff.
Wednesday, we went knocking on doors. We met a really cool woman, Diana. She was in a hurry, but had enough time to kindly tell us that her sister was a member and she was looking forward to when her nephew would be doing a mission like us. She also mentioned her niece was planning on being baptized. That was the extent of our visit. I'll get back to her later.
Brenda. She is pretty much the investigator who we are most concerned about with right now. Every single time we visit with her, we can tell she is closer and closer to baptism. She just isn't there yet. We don't know what's taking her. We know she reads the Book of Mormon sporadically and prays for the truth, and we're trying our hardest to help things click and help her understand the importance of doing. She just isn't. But, she does want to do some things. She wanted to meet the Bishop. She wants to watch General Conference. She wants to witness a baptism. Cool. We can work with those.
So, we had our visit with the Bishop this weekend. She came in and just started asking question. She asked about the Apostasy, the Restoration, the Church, the Bishop, the Priesthood, the power, the authority, the callings, etc. She was mainly driving at two things: First, she was extended a calling in her other church, a baptist denomination. Second, she really wanted a priesthood blessing by the laying on of hands. Cool? I don't know. I mean, it's awesome that she recognizes that we hold the priesthood, but it's weird that she doesn't see what that implies - the truth of the Restoration and the falsehood of her own church. We're really confused at this point, but we'll keep working with her. We offered to support her as she accepted the calling at her own church.
Yep. Elder Anderson went to a baptist church.
It was my first time attending a service of any other kind of denomination. I was excited to learn more about other people and how they worship. I was not expecting what I got, though.
Hooting, hollering, praising, "Halleluiah"-ing. Drums, organs, yelling, singing the same thing over and over again. A few of my favorite quotes from the service:
"We need some more praise up in this piece! If you stop praising, you'll let the devil in!"
"Praise like the Steeler's just won, but remember that they can't save you. Ben Rothlisberger (one of the Steeler's QBs) can't save you. Only Jesus can save you!"
"This is not a show! This is not a game! This is real!"
"This church has been around for 47 years, so we expect an offering of $47 from every member."
That last one was a paraphrase, but he really did expect $47 from every member in addition to the tithes. All of the other ones are honest to goodness quotes."
Now, I like the Brethren, want to witness that there is good in this church. I do not want to discredit any of the work or service that the pastor and other staff perform. But, I also want to submit with all of the power of my testimony and authority of my calling that the true church of Jesus Christ has been restored, and it was not that church which I attended. That is all that I want to say about that.
I was glad that we went to support Brenda, though. She needs love more than anything. She is still learning with us, and is still looking for the truth. I just pray that she will be able to discern what really is the truth, and then have the courage to choose the right.
Sunday evening was straight up incredible.
We were in Diana's neighborhood, and just decided to knock on her door. I don't know why. Well, I didn't know then. But I know now.
It was pandemonium in that home when we visited. Lots of people, family, etc (the member sister was not present, though). One of her sisters answered the door, and was stunned to find out that we are missionaries. "One moment." She closed the door, but we could hear her conversation as we waited. "I think it's a sign." "Should we have them come up?" "They were sent from God!" The door opened again and Diana was standing there, puffy faced. "Come on in, guys. Come on up." She explained to us that her husband was dying of cancer. She showed us up the stairs and introduced us. Well, as much as you could introduce a man who was unconscious. He was in a bad state. We said a prayer and gave a blessing, and gave words of comfort and counsel to the family. The Spirit was felt, the power of God was manifest. It was an incredible miracle.
I don't think I need to say much more about any of this. I'll just hope and pray that the Spirit will teach any who read this what they need to learn.
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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