September 17, 2012
Missionary Slim is driving investigators crazy (Week 32 in Pennsylvania, Week 14 in Pittsburgh, PA)
So, remember the woman who went crazy last week? Well, it happened again.We were teaching another woman about how to quit smoking, and she accepted our invitation. We came back later for a follow-up visit only to find that she herself was having some manic tendencies. She insisted that we go for a walk instead of having a lesson, wanted to say a prayer, but wouldn't pray around her home or near her fiance's work, which was just around the corner. We called back a little later during the week. Her fiance picked up the phone.
"Hey. Is Rene'e there?"
"No, she's in Western Psych. She tried to stab me with a knife."
Oh shoot.
So, yeah. Apparently, when I teach people the Gospel, it drives them crazy.
Not really though. I know that the Gospel is good, of God, and only leads to do right. That's just the power of the Devil influencing their lives for bad.
I was able to teach a really cool girl this week. Her name is Adrienne, and she is so ready for the truth. Completely. Alas, however, she lives in another area. But, we might still be able to teach her occasionally because her best friends and the members who introduced her to the Gospel live in our area. So that's cool. Regardless, she's being baptized into the one true church, so that's all good.
The lesson that we had with her was incredible. Our district leader, Elder Escobar, was on exchange with me and totally emphasized her being taught by the Spirit. Over and over again during the lesson, she would come to a true conclusion, and Elder Escobar would smugly remark "The Spirit just taught you that." (Yeah. This guy is a spiritual giant. He converted 2 years ago and is probably one of the most bold, sincere, powerful missionaries I've ever served with) Anyway, she told us that she's had a lot of friends comment negatively on her investigating the Church. She just brushes them off. "If I want to learn more, it should be my right, and my true friends would support me." Yeah! She's awesome!
We actually had some success tracting this week. I know. Crazy. We just felt randomly prompted to knock on some homes really close to our own apartment. The first door was this really poisonously nice lady who wouldn't listen to us at all, but lo and behold, the second door was a guy who investigated the church in Japan, and then moved here. We just randomly (miraculously?) happened to knock on his door, and got an appointment for this coming week. Sweet! Plus, he's got an awesome name. Rion. As in, O-Rion. Yeah. Awesome.
I'd better update on Brenda. She's doing good. Her work is incredibly crazy, and she is having a hard time getting time to read the scriptures. We're really close to being done with her, but for some reason, we are sticking around. We're just waiting for it to click with her. Next time we see her, we're going to have one more go at her with the Book of Mormon, see if she has a desire to learn if it's true, and then see where it goes. Your prayers on her behalf would be appreciated.
As always, thanks for all of the prayers and support that you give me. It means more than you know. The Church is so true. I know it for sure. And, boy, does that make me happy!
Take care, all!
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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