October 14, 2013
Missionary Slim sees a TON of fish but is having the best success being a 'Fisher of Men' (Week 88 in Pennsylvania, Week 12 in Dover, PA)
Missionary work is going well. We pulled out our
area book this week and found this name under the potential investigator
Valentin. Contacted August 2007. Note: "This guy is SO prepared!"
And with that to work with, we stopped by. Sure enough,
we found him at home. Actually, he was leaving in about 5 minutes, but
he had time to get to know us a bit, tell us that he could visit with us
in the morning, and get our phone number.
We stopped by two days later in the morning and he let
us in with this greeting: "Guys, this is going to be the first and the
last time, because I'm just so busy, I can't commit to anything. But
come in for today." We sat down and he just started talking to us, with
us making comments here and there. He talked about his work, his family,
his homeland Mexico, his wife, his church that he doesn't attend. You
know, all the important stuff. We just sat and listened. Every now and
then, he'd stop, think for a bit, and then throw our a super-inspired
question. "So, what is it with you guys? What makes your church any
different from any other?" or "What happens to us when we die? Coz my
kids have been asking and I don't have a good answer." And we answered.
We gave him a Book of Mormon, and he seemed thrilled to give it a read.
We'll see what happens.
Same goes for the wife of a less-active member who we started teaching this week. We've gone over in the past to chat, to help them with their fish (they have a TON of fish), and other stuff. This time, though, we were going to teach. She had a TON of questions too (not as many questions as fish, though), and we were able to answer every single one. She's going to think about what we shared and decide if she wants to learn any more during this coming week, but I'm hopeful and confident that she'll choose to keep learning.
Also, we had the chance to visit with Noel again.
Without going into detail, she told us one of her biggest hang-ups with
coming to church. It was incredible how the conversation just naturally
flowed into the gospel and the love which Heavenly Father has for us and
how much He wants us to just make good choices and follow Him. He knows
what will make us happy, and He's going to try his hardest to help us.
She seemed a little bit more comfortable after that.
Finally, we had an awesome baptism this week. Kyle, who
I mentioned many weeks ago, has been taught by the sister missionaries
in the ward. They've worked through all his concerns and questions until
he finally decided to be baptized. It was a great baptism. Like the
baptism of Sarah a few months ago, we were able to have a Skype session
with the missionaries who taught him online. They were awesome guys too -
one was paralyzed from the hips down and the other had cerebral palsy.
Both were dedicated servants of the Lord, though, and were trying their
best to share the gospel.
Kyle gave his testimony as well. He explained how he
came to find the church after taking a survey online about which
religion he affiliates with the most. Turns out that the result was
"Mormon." So he got online, got in touch with those missionaries, they
got us in touch with him. He said that his first visit with us was
"intimidating." (ouch...) But the sisters came in right after that and
softened him right up. He's totally dedicated to the church and gospel
and is ready for his new life! That's just testimony to me that the Lord
really is in charge - He'll make everything work out.
Anyway, it's been a great week. I hope yours has been too!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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