March 25, 2013
Missionary Slim witnesses the power of the Priesthood. (Week 59 in Pennsylvania, Week 23 in Washington, PA)
Folks, its been a good week. An incredible week. There's a main over-arching theme going on too. That theme is exemplified by D&C 84:20. Check it out, or read on if you want to just guess (or don't feel like pulling out your Standard Works - and if that is the case, you should repent.)
And with that, I suppose I had better spill about transfers. Yep, as it turns out, not one, not two, but all three of us are leaving Washington. It's pretty incredible if you ask me. I don't feel so bad because I've been here a while and, in spite of how much I love it here, I'm ready to move on. But my two companions, both of whom have been here for less than 6 weeks, are feeling a little shafted. But, as always, I am sure this is the right thing, both for me, and my area, and my companions.
We got a call Tuesday morning. It was from an odd number from Maryland. On the other end of the line was Brother Haskie, from the Susquehanna, Maryland ward in the Baltimore stake. I've never met this guy before in my life, but somehow he had gotten our phone number and was calling with a plead for help - his mom is in the hospital, her lungs are not functioning, and she has a pretty high chance of passing on. He was desperate. I love helping people (it makes me feel like a super-hero), so we rearranged our plans and made some time to go and visit his mom in the hospital.
She was in such bad shape that, when we got there, because of her condition we needed to wear special gowns and gloves.
After we were all suited up and looked like spiffy surgeons, we went in to see her. She was in pretty bad shape. Gurgling, coughing, a machine breathing for her, tubes and IVs and all sorts of stuff. We anointed and blessed, and she very feebly mouthed a "Thank you" because she was unable to speak. She was barely strong enough to open her hand for a handshake. We left, with the son comforted to some degree.
Two days later we got a call. "GUYS, IF YOU WERE HERE, I WOULD HUG YOU ALL!" It was Bro. Haskie, and he was just overjoyed to tell us that it worked - the blessing worked. He said that his mom was going fantastic, that she was breathing on her own, that she was losing weight (which is a good thing, in this case) and that she was doing the chicken dance! Yep. Sure enough, when we went to visit again, she was moving and grooving. No joke. When it came time to leave, she was very sad. This time, when we shook hands, she held on with a very firm grip, wanting us to stay and spend more time with her. We promised that the new missionaries who would be coming in would definitely visit her.
And with that, I suppose I had better spill about transfers. Yep, as it turns out, not one, not two, but all three of us are leaving Washington. It's pretty incredible if you ask me. I don't feel so bad because I've been here a while and, in spite of how much I love it here, I'm ready to move on. But my two companions, both of whom have been here for less than 6 weeks, are feeling a little shafted. But, as always, I am sure this is the right thing, both for me, and my area, and my companions.
As of yet, I know that I won't be in leadership. I'll be taking a much-needed rest from that responsibility. I also know that I won't be training. Who I'll be serving with, I do not know. Where I'll be serving, I do not know. But I do know that Whoever and wherever I go, it'll be right.
One more thing.
Yep! A baptism! That there is Dan the Man! He seriously is awesome. I've been teaching him since the end of November, and he has come such a long way. Like I mentioned last week, after debating with himself, he finally got the guidance and direction he needed from the Spirit to make this essential step. He asked me to baptize him, which I was truly grateful to be able to do. The entire baptism was full of the spirit and went through without a hitch. Even Elder Colvin was able to show up, which really made both his and my day - Elder Colvin made a big difference in the conversion of Dan. Dan's testimony at the end was incredible too - he talked about how faith lead him to make this decision, and how strongly he knew that this church is the true one.
Oh, and that little photo-bomber down there is Mary Faith. She's awesome.
That's my week! Take care all!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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