March 4, 2013
Missionary Slim is making Football analogy's? ( Go Steelers? ) (Week 56 in Pennsylvania, Week 20 in Washington, PA)
Missionary Slim is sick and tired of winter.
Not only me, but also just about every member of the ward out here in Washington. Over the pulpit, in Fast and Testimony meeting, one of the members said "You can't trust Phil nowadays." Since one of the ward members happens to be named Phil, it did take a little bit of an explanation before the congregation started calming down (Punxsutawney Phil, the notorious weather predicting groundhog!) Gratefully, the sun is actually starting to make an extended stay in the sky every day, but the cold is starting to get to me - and get into me!
Yes, after four months of fighting it, my body finally succumbed to the onslaught of infectious viral parasites eating away at the back of my throat and sinuses. Unfortunately, it was able to take advantage of Fast Sunday to gain a greater foothold over my immune system. Fortunately, now that I've downed about a gallon of fluids, I've started getting over it.
With that being said, I've had an average, ordinary week in the life of a missionary. Which is absolutely incredible and amazing compared to an average ordinary week of a normal person, such as a postal worker or car repair man. So I guess I can't complain.
We did have a couple of great visits with some families. The Southerns are doing very well (other than the fact that they were attacked by the diabolical forces of Influenza which kept them from coming to church). Becky and Mary Faith are still ridiculously excited to be baptized. We've actually set them both with a baptismal date (this summer, though, because Mary Faith won't be quite old enough until then, and Becky want's to be baptized around the same time.) We've started making plans for them to be married though, and if all goes well, will give them both a stop-smoking program this week. They're making good progress.
Brian's mom, Donna, has still been meeting with us. We've been getting bold with her as of late, and had a good lesson on faith, intent, and action this past week. After some good conversation, with me rather passionately encouraging her to find her answer, she gave a response: "I'm not saying that I don't think I will ever be a Mormon.... I just need some more time." As usual, the Spirit softly, but firmly, rebuked me telling me to be more patient. We did finish off the lesson with an invitation to come to sacrament meeting. Sure enough, Brian and Donna arrived, and Brian even got up and bore his testimony, very powerfully. "I know with all the surety of my heart that this church is true, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet." I was impressed and inspired.
Our visit with Dan went pretty good too. He announced that his work schedule is changing, and that for all intents and purposes he might be able to start coming to church! I was overjoyed. Thrilled. Ecstatic!
I'll close with a very simple story. We went out a finding less-active members. A name popped out at us, so we drove to the address, knocked on the door, and... nothing. I wrote a note, left it, and we turned to go back to our car just as another person was walking out of their home. Elder Swanson started up a conversation - nothing big, or important. Just getting to know. As it progressed, and we started talking about our calling and such, we found that this individual was Christian, believed in God, but wasn't going to church right now. "Well, how would you like to get into a good church?" She seemed pretty open, so we gave her a card, number, and church address. "I'll be checking this out!" she said, pointing to where it says "" on the card. I don't know if anything will come of that. I don't know if she'll be calling us in the next week, or if it will take months before she actually chooses to learn more. But I do know that I was in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. Sometimes, for whatever reason, the Lord puts us in places and situations for reasons that we may not expect. As long as we are doing what we are supposed to, we can expect to have experiences like this one.
I once heard is compared to football. If the Lord is the quarterback, throwing the football of the Holy Ghost, we are the ones receiving it. In football, the plays are very carefully choreographed and practiced so each player is in the right place at the right time. If we aren't in the right place, the ball will just fall to the ground; if we aren't there at the right time, the ball will fumble or fall out of our hands. Most importantly, though, is making sure that we are doing the right thing. Just imagine if a pro football player did his play, and then stood there, doing nothing. He'd get whacked in the head! When we do what we are supposed to, then we can be sure that the Spirit will lead us and guide us in the way we need to go. Then when we are in those right places at the right times, us doing the right things will be noticed by others. Then we'll really make some good in the world.
Ironically, it also works better if you don't think about it or try too hard - you just do the right thing, and those experiences will happen. As Elder Bednar describes it, you just have to be "Good boys and good girls."
Wow. I can't believe I used a football analogy... I've been in Steeler's country for way too long.
Take care, all!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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