May 21, 2012
Missionary Slim meets John or was it Jon, oh whatever (Week 15 in Pennsylvania, Week 15 in Lebanon, PA)
I'm sure you all remember John. Of course you do. I talk about him in nearly every post. Well, we're still teaching him and he's still trying to quit smoking. The reason I bring him up is because we actually started teaching another John, who I'll call Jon so we know the difference. We met Jon on the street, smoking (like most other Pennsylvanians). As soon as we started talking to him, he told us he was trying to quit. "This is my first cigarette today!" He told us. He invited us over to meet with him. When we did, he told us about his smoking. He said "I'm down to half a cigarette!" We taught him about the Book of Mormon and the restoration, and he loves all of the things we're teaching. He has an incredible testimony of Jesus Christ and of the love which the Savior has for him, which really has helped me to boost my own testimony. We asked him to be baptized, and he said "Absolutely" right away! We've taught him most of the lessons already, and we only met him a little over a week ago! Before every lesson, he told us how much he was smoking - "I'm down to one puff a day!" and finally "I haven't smoked at all today!" Jon will be baptized next month.
Speaking of people who are going to get baptized, our cambodian family finally accepted the invite! After we gave them a cambodian Book of Mormon, they started reading it and really praying to know about it. We asked Rebecca, the mom, what she thought about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and she told us in her delightful accent "Oh, yes. I know this is the word of God. I know only a prophet could translate this." We were super stoked! That was exactly what we wanted to hear from her! We explained priesthood authority and invited her to be baptized. "But I was already baptized! You want me to be baptized again?" "Yes." "Oh. Okay!" Her and her son, Sam, should also be baptized some time next month!
We were walking down the street past Victor's house. (Victor, you'll remember, is an investigator who we have since stopped teaching) Elder Blake hasn't met Victor, so I pointed out his home and mentioned that we might get to meet him sometime. No sooner than I said that than the phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked at the text message. It was from Victor: "R U outside my house?" I stared at the phone. I looked at his house. His blinds were closed. There was no way he could have seen us without looking out the window on purpose. I replied: "Yeah, we are. Do you want us to come over?" He said yes.
He told us he was just glancing out the window for no reason when he saw 'these guys in white shirts.' He misses our visits and coming to church and everything. Apparently, he recognized the changes which we brought into his life and wanted to keep going down this path. He's still as prideful and stubborn as ever ("I like my coffee! I like my beer!") But he still has the tiniest desire to change. We'll see where this goes. Needless to say, though, this couldn't have just happened for no reason.
I've really learned a lot about the Atonement this week. I think I say that about every single week, but I really learned about it this week. Starting on Monday, and going through the entire week, I've had example after example of the Atonement and the power that it has in our lives. It truly is the thing that holds everything together - our lives, our joy, our salvation, our families - without it, all of these would cease to exist.
We had a speaker in sacrament meeting yesterday. He was a shortly returned missionary from another ward, and he was called upon to speak about what he learned from his mission. He said the one thing he learned the most was about the Atonement. He quoted 3 Nephi 27:13-16 (Which all of you should read - over and over again) and bore powerful testimony about the restoration - not the restoration of the church, but the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is to say, the restoration of the knowledge of how much Christ has done for us. I am so glad to have the knowledge that I have. Without it, I would be lost.
My job as a missionary is to meet people, and as I've met people, I have seen how their testimony of the Gospel and of Jesus Christ really affects their lives. Those that truly know their savior are polite, nice, and have happiness. Those who don't are bitter, cruel, and unkind, and are not happy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ truly changes us. It transforms us into something better. It makes us what our Father in Heaven wants us to be - and that is happy. It makes us happy.
I wish the best for all of you. Thanks for your support. It really does make all the difference!
Take care!
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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