May 29, 2012
Missionary Slim is learning Spanish? (Week 16 in Pennsylvania, Week 16 in Lebanon, PA)
"ELDEEEEERS! What's happening?!?""Nothing much, Hector. It's our P-Day."
"Then you are coming over here to have pizza!"
Bro. Hector Morales got himself a new apartment recently, and ever since has opened up his doors wide to us missionaries. He's always inviting us over to have pizza or ice cream and all kinds of stuff, and such was the case this last Monday. We took the opportunity to ask Hector for some help teaching some Spanish investigators later on during the night. He accepted.
We had a wonderful lesson with our first investigator, Kenia. She's met with the missionaries before, but really hasn't gotten into the Book of Mormon or come to our church. And she only speaks Spanish. I was able to teach a little bit with the limited Spanish that I know, but thankfully we had Brother Morales there to help teach and testify. By the end of the lesson, her heart was very softened and she committed to come to church and all.
The second lesson was with Madeline and Wilfredo. I don't know if I've ever mentioned Wilfredo. He's Madeline's husband, Madeline being the grandmother of the three girls who were baptized a few months ago. Wilfredo isn't a member, and has always had problems keeping the commandments. He's heard the missionary lessons over and over again, but cannot quit his addictions. We went over to see him with Hector. Wilfredo told him that he keeps abusing his addictions because of all the pain he has, from all of his gunshot wounds (this guy has had a very rough life, and a lot of really awesome scars). He asked us for a blessing of healing, which we administered. He was very happy and contented as we left.
We came back a few days later, this time without Hector. We sat down to read the Book of Mormon, and he told us "I don't feel no pain."
"Ever since you gave me that blessing, the pain is gone."
Wow. We were blown away. He's working his hardest to repent, and he certainly is doing a great job of it so far!
This week, I met the most eloquent person in the world. No joke. We pounded on her door, and she answered it almost immediately. I began with a little small talk to ease things up -
"Hello, Ma'am. How are you today?"
"Thankful. How might you be, gentleman?"
I hesitated for just a moment, taken aback. "We're doing great."
"That is truly blessed."
I hesitated again, and then just drove through into our intro. She listened patiently, and then explained to us that she was a born again christian, but she would still be willing to visit with us.
"God be willing, we shall surely meet again!" she said as she closed the door behind us, leaving us scratching our heads.
One final interesting story. Sad, but it has a good ending. We went to visit a less active member. Actually, a completely inactive member. His name is Merv, and when I asked a ward member about him, they said "He loves his records, and he loves his beer." Well, that was definitely the case when we ran into him last Friday. He was hosting a neighborhood keg party, and had two guests there already.We walked up and he recognized us immediately. "Hey guys!" he said, waving us over. As we got talking, and his neighbors realized who we are, they started asking questions - good questions. The kind of questions which people who are looking for the truth ask. We excitedly gave them the two copies of the Book of Mormon we had on hand, and gave them the promise of reading, praying, and getting an answer.
Then Todd showed up.
Todd only wanted to get in an argument. As he started asking questions, he was asking bad questions - the kind of questions which people ask to tear down the church. He was even looking up Anti-mormon stuff on his iPhone to get ammunition. We withstood, though, and answered every question posed at us. It got to be to chaotic though - we couldn't even testify before he would beat us down, and we needed to get to another appointment. So, I stood up on the step, held up the Book of Mormon in my hand, and bore my testimony:
"If this book is false, then Joseph Smith was not a prophet. If this book is false, then our church is not true, and if this book is false, then I am wasting two years of my life. But I know this book is true. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet, and I know that this church is true. And I know that you can find out for yourself. Read it. Ponder it. Pray about it. You will get an answer."
That shut him up. Merv burst our laughing, and poured another beer. We'll be seeing Merv again on Wednesday. Hopefully, his two neighbors come as well. They knew that my words were true.
Have a great week everyone! The church is true!
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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