December 23, 2013
Missionary Slim wishes you a Very Merry Christmas! (Week 98 in Pennsylvania, Week 9 in Wintersville, Ohio)
'Twas a rainy week, as Missionary Slim worked his best to be prepared for the coming feast of Yule and celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. Nevertheless, the cheer of Christmas rang through the air in people's hearts and homes.
We paid a visit to Mick and Annette, a hysterical part-member family. Annette has been a long-time member, but drifted away shortly after joining the military. Mick is Roman Catholic, but he's even more Irish, which makes him all the more delightful. We gave them a heads-up that we were coming for a visit, and in no time, Mick whipped up an honest-to-goodness mincemeat pie. It was pretty good too, considering it was the first time I had eaten it.
After a bit of entertaining, the Mullens sat back as we shared with them a tale of wonder - the story of the boy-prophet entering the woods seeking light and knowledge from the Lord. His thoughtful seeking through the word of the Lord lead him to ponder and act, desiring to know what the Lord willed for him. The light he sought literally enveloped him in that sacred, outdoor place.
Just as the glory of the Lord shone round about the shepherds that still, silent night, just as it illuminated that field of Judea, just as it brightened the tomb near Jerusalem many years later, it filled that grove of trees and since has spread through the world.
While we weren't nearly as poetic, our captive audience was indeed impressed. Annette had been absent from the church for so long that she had nearly forgotten it. Mick was very interested, though, and had great desire to come and learn more at the church itself. His wife is reluctant, but I'm sure with time, she'll come around.
For some people, just the invitation and the expression of love in their behalf is enough to bring them back. For the Higgins, that is all it took. We visited Brother Higgins and found him caring for his young, rambunctious grandchildren. In the moments we were able to settle them down, we shared bits and pieces of the Gospel - messages of love, of Christ and Christmas, of diligence and enduring to the end. We spoke of the things that matter most in life and of giving freely.
With but a small bit of effort on our part, they chose to come to church, and sure enough we found both Bro. and Sis. Higgins there, their daughter and the three grandchildren. It was certainly a pleasure to see them there.
This time of year, there really is nothing more precious that we can give than our love and the love of our Father in Heaven. What do those gifts and favors we give to those around us really represent? Why is it that we give them? What motivates us to sacrifice our time and our resources to give these gifts to those around us? To see the laugh of a child? The smile of one who receives? These things are nothing more than love. It is the only thing that really was given that first Christmas:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Christmas can and should be one of the happiest times of the year. I hope it is for all of you. I can't give a lot, but at least I can give this:
I love you all! Merry Christmas!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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