September 23, 2013
Missionary Slim forgets that it was ' International talk like a Pirate Day ' last week (Week 85 in Pennsylvania, Week 9 in Dover, PA)
There's an awesome family that we've been able to
visit, the Gonzales'. And don't let the name fool you - they're
Filipino. The son is a security guard working nights and has a really
hard time getting to church because its right when he's supposed to be
sleeping. He hasn't come to church in several years. Well, we had a chat
with him and found out that he's really been thinking about serving a
mission. He's getting pretty old, around 25 years old or so, but he's
still technically eligible. All three of us were able to teach and
testify about how much the mission has meant for us and encourage him to
do everything in his power to make it a reality. Hopefully it happens.
We went to visit a guy that I mentioned a few weeks
ago. His name is Harvey, and he REALLY wanted to watch 17 Miracles with
his wife. Well, we got them a copy, they watched it, and then we went by
to visit this week. Actually, I went by myself with another member of
the church. It was pretty incredible what happened.
As it turns out, this member that I brought lives just two houses down
from Harvey's brother. They both were in construction and
transportation, both lived out in the mid-west and Wyoming areas and
loved it there. They clicked like two lego blocks!
I asked about how they liked 17 Miracles. They loved
it. It was so touching and so moving for them. They were incredibly
impressed, and it was plain that they felt the Spirit. We spent the
majority of our visit watching the Restoration, a film about the Prophet
Joseph Smith, and talking about it. They ended up telling us that they
felt very good about it, that it might be true, and then told us "You
know, since you guys have been coming by to visit us, we've been
thinking a lot about our church. It's been really hard to go there for
the past few months because our old pastor left. We've really been
thinking about visiting your church." That was awesome to hear.
We did visit them later that week and they told us that
they were planning on continuing to attend their church for the time
being, at least until they got a more permanent pastor (their current
pastor is only there for the time being while they find a replacement).
Still, they've been touched. It's only a matter of time before that
touch of the Spirit turns into a testimony which will become a full tree
of conversion.
So, the work continues! Until next week,
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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