August 26, 2013
Missionary Slim has a REALLY great, great-great-great grandmother (Week 81 in Pennsylvania, Week 5 in Dover, PA)
As usual, the work continues.
We've finally been able to find some investigators to start teaching. One of them is a great Mexican lady, named Bolvina. She and her family are all interested in learning more about the Gospel. In our first visit, we ended up talking about the Plan of Salvation, which of course answered many of their questions. The husband was not home, but the wife seemed really excited to introduce us to her husband. The daughter, too, was incredibly excited about going to Primary. We'll see where this goes.
We visited with another gentleman who isn't necessarily investigating the church, but is alright with us stopping by. When we did come over, he seemed less than excited to talk with us. We got going, though, and found out that he actually read the pamphlet that we gave him, and he had a lot of questions. He sat, fully intent on our answers, and seemed very satisfied with them. I was amazed. Even more amazing was when he started telling us about how impressed he was with the Mormon pioneers, especially the Martin and Willie handcart company. That gave me a great chance to tell the story of one of my great-great-great (etc. etc. She was REALLY great) grandmother, Wee Granny, who attempted the trek at the ripe age of really old. She made it as far as Chimney Rock, and then, in her last breath, said "Tell John (her son) that I died with my face towards Zion." And she expired. That story gets me every time - There is a great spirit that comes from the stories of our faithful ancestors.
My companion mentioned a movie about those companies (17 Miracles - great show. I highly recommend it.) The guy we were talking to perked up immediately. He really wants to watch it now. Who knows where this will go.
This past weekend, we had the pleasure of witnessing the baptism of Desiree. She's just barely 8 years old, and ever since seeing her cousin and brother baptized a few months ago, she's been anxiously awaiting the time that she herself could be baptized. To me, Desiree is a great example of always doing the right thing.
Desiree lives in a very difficult environment. Her grandma recently made a big turn-around and started coming to church very regularly. Unfortunately, her mom and dad are people who very often make very bad choices, almost to the point where they can't make good choices anymore. To put it nicely, the home that she lives in isn't very conducive of the spirit. Regardless, she is like a beacon shining in darkness for her family, as her brother and cousin have been before her. She knew that baptism is an important thing to do, and did everything in her power to make it happen for herself.
As you can tell, she had a little bit of opposition in the form of a broken arm, but that didn't stop her. She was baptized by someone who might as well be her brother, Kenyon, a priest in the ward. It was apparent both at the baptism and the confirmation the next day that she was overjoyed at everything. It was a dream come true for her.
It was a little touching for myself, too, because I have a niece who is preparing to be baptized in a few months. It amazes me that these two, among so many children in the church, almost instinctively know what is the best way to follow the example of the Savior. Desiree herself wasn't even part of the church her entire life, and yet recognizes the truth and importance of this ordinance. It reminds me of King Benjamin's address where he said:
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."
These children, well, they already are children! They already are willing to submit to the will of the Lord. For the more grown-up people that we teach, this truly is what I've seen is what helps them to come into this covenant and blessing - becoming as a child, even a saint. And all this is through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have a fantastic week, all!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
Desiree lives in a very difficult environment. Her grandma recently made a big turn-around and started coming to church very regularly. Unfortunately, her mom and dad are people who very often make very bad choices, almost to the point where they can't make good choices anymore. To put it nicely, the home that she lives in isn't very conducive of the spirit. Regardless, she is like a beacon shining in darkness for her family, as her brother and cousin have been before her. She knew that baptism is an important thing to do, and did everything in her power to make it happen for herself.
As you can tell, she had a little bit of opposition in the form of a broken arm, but that didn't stop her. She was baptized by someone who might as well be her brother, Kenyon, a priest in the ward. It was apparent both at the baptism and the confirmation the next day that she was overjoyed at everything. It was a dream come true for her.
It was a little touching for myself, too, because I have a niece who is preparing to be baptized in a few months. It amazes me that these two, among so many children in the church, almost instinctively know what is the best way to follow the example of the Savior. Desiree herself wasn't even part of the church her entire life, and yet recognizes the truth and importance of this ordinance. It reminds me of King Benjamin's address where he said:
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."
These children, well, they already are children! They already are willing to submit to the will of the Lord. For the more grown-up people that we teach, this truly is what I've seen is what helps them to come into this covenant and blessing - becoming as a child, even a saint. And all this is through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have a fantastic week, all!
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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