February 18, 2013
Missionary Slim celebrates Singles Awareness Day (Week 54 in Pennsylvania, Week 18 in Washington, PA)
Happy Singles Awareness Day, everybody!
That cupcake was given to me by Donna, Brian's mom. We came over on the 14th to teach a lesson. I've always had this intense desire to teach the law of chastity on Valentines day (because I'm an incredibly ironic person), and nearly got the chance last year, but plans changed and we taught tithing instead. Well, this year, we finally managed to do it! I was so happy.
It actually was a really spiritual lesson. We started by reading the family proclamation, which Brian and Donna both loved. Then we got into the nitty-gritty (Our bodies are temples, we are bought with a price, etc.) and then moved into temples and eternal families, which is the main reason Brian got baptized in the first place. Donna was a little skeptical of eternal families, but made a pact with me that when she gets to the other side, she'll be sure to let me know if there are eternal families or not.
As promised, I have to include a little segment about Sister Stroop. Sister Stroop is a less-active member here in Washington. And she's a little bit on the crazy side. I accidentally mentioned to her about my blog, which she went crazy over ("Have you said anything about me?" "No, I haven't." "Well, you had better!") So here's her shout-out.
Sister Stroop fits into a really interesting niche in the church. She's a super liberal feminist who is skeptical of God and religion in general. She's fascinated with politics and deep-doctrines (and loves to say "Outer Darkness" the way that Yoda would.) She really is a super sweet lady, though. She wants to learn and gain a testimony, she loves her family, she works as a care giver for children - she's just the bomb!
Sister Southern has been getting on our case about her son and his family. They are all less-active, the mom, Becky, isn't a member. But they love the church, and their daughter, Mary Faith , is incredibly anxious to be baptized. Sis. Southern has been asking us to visit them for weeks, but the sheer distance makes it a little bit difficult. Eventually, we got the home teacher of that family to take us to visit with them. What a visit it was. Sean, Sis. Southern's son, started by going on about how life is getting tough, how the end of times seems to be getting closer, but as we brought the gospel into the conversation, the spirit began to fill the room. We started talking about the Book of Mormon, and eventually, Mary Faith announced yet again how she wants to be baptized. As a surprise to me, Becky chimed in the same way - she wants to be baptized too. All three of us were thrilled! It was such exciting news! Sean promised to get his family to church every week so he could possibly be ready to baptize his wife. And sure enough, they all showed up.
I was a little worried I wouldn't have any part of any of it though. Transfers are tomorrow. We got the call on Saturday and sure enough... I'm staying! I couldn't be more pleased! Both of my companions will be transferred though. I'm sad to see them go, but I'm ready for a change. This will probably be the longest I will be in an area for the rest of my mission. Good thing I love this area.
The gospel is certainly true. It changes us, transforms us, and makes us into who we need to be. I'm so grateful that I, like Mormon, can be "a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." (3 Nephi 5:13)
Elder Alex Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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