December 31, 2012
Missionary Slim has almost reached a milestone. He will be 1 score old on New Years Day. Happy Birthday to Slim!!! (Week 47 in Pennsylvania, Week 11 in Washington, PA)
Since I'm still in the holiday spirit, I would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, and New Years. As well as (can I do this?) a happy birthday to myself. Yes, chances are by the time you read this I will have sailed on down the river of time through the rapids of teenage years and on to the even more treacherous and dangerous years of the 'responsible adult.' ("Wait, I thought I was a responsible adult when I turned 18!") Also, this will be one of the few times in my life when I can refer to my age as being a score.
As an early celebration, I had a rum ball this past week. A member had a cookie platter which someone gave her, and I thought I was sampling a delicious glazed brownie bite. To describe my reaction: YUCK! Seriously, people? Quit putting booze in my food!
Jokes aside, it's been a good, cheery, windy, snowy, week. We kicked it off with some Christmas Caroling on Monday. We sung the usual stuff like "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and "Joy to the World," some of the more unique carols like "O Holy Night" and "Carol of the Bells," and then some downright unheard of carols like "The Holly and the Ivy" and "Bring a Torch, Janette, Isabella." So Elder Anderson got a little Christmas cultural education, at least as far as carols go.
I do have to admit, I was pleased to find out that Pennsylvanians celebrate Christmas just about the same as I did back home - no surprises there. (I've heard stories of some interesting international Christmas traditions) We party hopped between members' home, Skyped home (I, being the Apple fan that you all know, used Facetime), and shared a couple of Christmas messages.
And then it snowed.
This was the first real snowfall of the season out here. And it was a good one. Or a bad one, depending on your point of view. The roads were slippery (I even got word that the Mission President slid off the road and needed some missionaries to come bail him out), we did a lot of shoveling, and of course threw the occasional snowball. Oh, and I made Snowman Slim:
I don't really have a whole lot to say about the actual missionary work. That's taken a little bit of a slump, so we worked extra hard this weekend to set us up to make next week a great week and hopefully we'll see it pick up after the New Year.
I will share a short, little story about one investigator, Laurie. She's the mom of a member of the church, and has been meeting on and off with us ever since I got here. She's an example of someone who I can see has been able to see and recognize the change the Restored Gospel has had in her own life. We've met with her intermittently, simply because of conflicting schedules, but every time we meet with her, there is a marked change in her, for lack of a better term, light. There's just a brighter glow about her. She's been reading the Book of Mormon, praying, she even wants to pay tithing right now, and hasn't even been to church yet. She's being held back by a boyfriend of sorts, and she cannot go unless he goes with her (long story, and not one that I feel at liberty to share at the present). So if you all are hankerin' for something to pray for, pray that Gary will want to go to church. Because then, Laurie will be able to go to church, and then she'll be able to be baptized, and the whole family will be so much happier!
I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year, and that 2013 bring many blessings, joy, happiness, peace, love, and all that other good stuff to all. And don't forget:
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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