July 23, 2012
Missionary Slim: Sees the power of the Atonement (Week 24 in Pennsylvania, Week 6 in Pittsburgh, PA)
The streets of Gotham, Pennsylvania darkened as storm clouds blew over. The wind fiercely blew; a fine mist swept in the air. And then, it began.*begin playing Batman soundtrack*
Elder Anderson and Elder Walker stood, awestruck as torrential rain began to fall in sheets. Their place of shelter didn't last long; the windswept rain was quickly soaking their bodies.
*music crescendos*
"We need to get out of here!" called Elder Walker over the din of rain colliding with the pavement.
"Let's get going!" Elder Anderson shouted back. With that, they plunged into the waterwall.
*music intensifies*
Bad guys started popping up out of nowhere, shooting machine guns and stuff. They dodged the bullets while navigating the streets to where they could catch a bus to safety and dryness. None were to be found.
Yep. Elder Walker and I ran through the rain in the middle of Gotham, PA (called such because the new Batman movie was filmed here in Pittsburgh), and pretty much felt just like Bruce Wayne. We eventually did make it out of Downtown, but were completely drenched. And that stuff about the bad guys and machine guns was *completely* true.
Anyway, in case you couldn't tell, it's been a fun week for us.
Brenda is doing fine. It's been difficult to see her, because she is busy preparing for a wedding this coming weekend, but our visits with her have always been very uplifting for everyone there. We finally sat her down and said "Look, we know our Church is true. Will you be baptized?" She didn't say no, but didn't say yes either. She told us she needs to find her answer before she can commit, which, in my opinion is the best answer she could have given. It means that she really does want to know if what we are saying is true, and isn't doing things just because we ask her. She's been having a difficult time getting her answer though because she is so busy all the time. So your prayers on her behalf would be incredibly appreciated. :D
We've been teaching a really great less-active member named Stephanie. She's been going to a baptist church, but told us she knows this church is the one true church - she just doesn't want to go. I know, funny how people are. We were able to help her understand the importance of church, and pretty much laid it out as directly as possible.
Elder Walker: "Stephanie, if the Savior himself were to ask you to come to the church which you know is true, would you do it?"
Stephanie: "Yeah, of course I would!"
Elder Anderson: "Well, Stephanie, as you probably know we are representatives of Jesus Christ..."
Stephanie: "Oh, darn you both."
Elder Walker: "...And we're inviting you to come to Church."
She's coming next Sunday.
Us missionaries have regulars. Those are the people you see every other day or so, who you've already invited to hear about the gospel, but they declined. Well, one of our regulars, Karen, is an absolute sweetheart. She loves to sit out on her porch and talk with the other ladies in her apartment building, and every time we pass, she calls out and says "Hey boys!"
Well, this past week she stopped us and questioned us: "What do y'all do anyway?" We explained that we teach people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "Oh. Well, y'all should come by sometime and teach me a thing or two!" We happily accepted and got a time scheduled. All that week before the appointment, we would pass by and say "We'll see you on Friday at 6:00!" She would call back "I look forward to it!"
Well, the appointment itself was awesome. We jumped straight into answering her questions, and ended up teaching her the first half of the Plan of Salvation, along with a crash course in the Book of Mormon. When we were done, she told us how much she learned, and that we should do it again. The thing about Karen is she's been living there for several months and missionaries have been passing her every single day. I just feel blessed that Elder Walker and I get to be the ones to start teaching her. Baptism came up in the lesson, and she dodged it when we started to invite her to be baptized, but when she closed the lesson with prayer, she said "Bless me that I'll be able to get baptized!" Now we just need to help her choose the right church to be baptized into!
Tim and Caroline are the best. They are members of the ward - now. Caroline was baptized about a year ago, and has been strong and faithful ever since. She teaches the Gospel Principles class and is super excited to go through the temple next month. She's Italian, and was severely against the Church when missionaries first made contact. However, she turned her life completely around.
Her husband, Tim, has an even better story. He left the Church when he was 14. He ran away from home, got into all kinds of terrible things, and was eventually excommunicated outright. And he lived in misery ever since, at least until he came back in contact with the Church. He, too, turned his entire life around and exercised the Atonement to the best of his ability. After his wife was baptized, he waited anxiously for approval to be given by the First Presidency to allow for his own baptism.
He hasn't been able to take the sacrament. He hasn't been able to bear his testimony in Church. Heck, he couldn't even say a prayer publicly! But he patiently waited for approval to be given. Tim is such an incredible example of humility, patience, trust in God, hope, faith, love, and charity. He has had a lot of miserable things happen in the past year, but he remained steadfast.
His time finally came. Friday, we got a call from him. He was completely elated, and exclaimed "I'm gonna get baptized! I'm gonna get baptized!" We made no delay - the font was filled and he was baptized just this past Sunday evening. We were invited to come and experience what, to me, was the most spiritual baptism I have ever attended. He was so happy to have what he had lost returned to him. His joy was so great, his commitment genuine. It was such a blessing for us to be present and part of that. He and his wife cannot wait for that year to pass before they can both go to the temple to be sealed. That will be an incredible experience.
My friends, let us not forget how precious a gift the Gospel is. Let us not take it for granted. Imagine what your life would be like without your covenants. I can tell you, I am so happy for them. There was a story which I didn't include, but suffice it to say I was faced with great evil. Thanks to my covenants, I was able to stand firm and overcome. I hope we all can do the same.
Elder Anderson, AKA Missionary Slim
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