April 9, 2012
Missionary Slim and his Easter miracles (Week 9 in Pennsylvania, Week 9 in Lebanon, PA)
We've been going a little bit out of our way to find investigators as of late. Tuesday, we tracted in a nice city called Myerstown, on the east of our area. There were a few people we talked to who weren't interested, a few who tried to preach to us ("You should come join our church's bell choir! We practice every week ..."), and a few who were interested. One of them, Cathy, opened the door and started talking to us right away. In fact, she invited us in right then (we couldn't, though, because her husband wasn't home) and even offered us coffee ("No, thanks." "Are you sure you don't want coffee?" "Yes, we're sure"). We got to come by and visit her later that week, and had a great lesson. She's been through a lot in her life - cancer, the recent death of her mother, etc. and was really looking for some peace. She even told us at the end of the lesson "You folks were meant to come by. I was looking for peace, and then you guys come by telling me how to get it!" Words cannot describe how giddy that made me when she said that. We visit with her again tomorrow.
There's this other sweet lady we're teaching. Her name is Luz (Spanish for 'light'). She's probably one of the nicest ladies I've ever met. She loves to help people, and loves taking care of her adopted special-needs son. She speaks at 100 miles an hour, in English and Spanish at the same time, so sometimes its hard to follow what she says. ("I really try hard porque I know that Jesus will help me, perro it's hard to keep the fe sometimes, you know?") But she's got great faith and a great desire to learn from us.
There's also Nelida. We keep teaching her in the library, and everything we teach, she loves. Whenever we bear testimony, she said "Amen" at the end. Like I said before, she loves the Book of Mormon and shares it with everyone. In fact, this week we were waiting in the library for her to show up and she comes in with this teenage girl who was sitting in the parking lot. Apparently, she invited her to come and listen to the word of God! She bears powerful testimony all the time to everyone. We can't wait to baptize her. (Oh, yes. She will be baptized. We just don't have a date yet. She wants to watch a baptism first)
One of the things which we love to get is media referrals from the Church. That's when someone goes to mormon.org and requests missionaries to come over. Well, this was the case with Billie and Tom. We got a text with their address and phone number, but something seemed off. Usually, these referrals come from the pass-along cards which we leave on doors, but we had never worked anywhere near these people. We went out to their home, but they weren't around (they were probably at Good Friday mass or something. They are practicing Catholics). So we kept knocking on doors down the street. We start talking to this one guy, Barron, who told us he's Presbyterian and he isn't interested. Then I give him my question which is sure to keep them talking "Well, I've always been interested in learning about others. Tell me, what sets Presbyterians apart." Then, he surprised me: "Well, I don't have time to talk now, but if you come back later I'll explain everything to you." Oh. Okay. I was about to decline, but Elder Nelson beat me to it. "Sure! We'd love to come back. When?" We set up an appointment for the following day, and left.
We came back the next day, prepared to have a wonderful conversation, and praying that we'd be able to interest him in reading the Book of Mormon after all, but, alas, he wasn't home. He was decent enough to leave notes for us, though, with his testimony on it (basically, he was trying to convince us we were wrong. At the same time, though, his testimony agreed with everything we teach). 'Well,' we thought. 'Better go try Billie and Tom' We walk back up the street, knock on the door, and sure enough, our referrals are home this time. They recognized us immediately "Come on in!" they said with big smiles.
Apparently they had grandchildren who were friends with Mormons, and they wanted to make sure that the little Mormon kids wouldn't hurt their kids or anything. They googled us, fortunately found mormon.org, and read everything. They wanted to read the Book of Mormon, which brings us to our meeting. We sat down and gave them the entire story of the apostasy and restoration of the Gospel in about 25 minutes (which is record time for us). Our students were very interested, saying things like "I believe that" when we would teach something, and Tom even said "That's powerful!" when Elder Nelson recounted the First Vision. We left them with a Book of Mormon, closed with a prayer (they crossed themselves after the prayer, which made me smile), and went on our way. We had to teach so fast because they were planning on leaving on a trip in the next hour - a trip that would last them 3 weeks. That got Elder Nelson thinking - If we didn't set up that appointment with Barron which fell through, would we have ever had a lesson with Billie and Tom? They would have left on their trip,and we would have given up trying to contact them. Coincidence, or miracle? You choose.
More miracles happened later that day. We parked the car and walked around for a while. We were hoping to set up appointments with some of our investigators who missed our last appointments. With few exceptions, the investigators we were planning to visit were already outside of their homes, so we could just walk up to them and talk to them! They were placed in our path. Coincidence, or miracle?
Easter gave us a lot of opportunity to talk about Jesus. Many of you may have noticed my post to Facebook. Never fear! I'm not breaking the rules. My mission president invited us to watch that video and write our testimony about it. I would invite all of you to do the same. The site is http://mormon.org/easter and it definitely increased my faith, both watching the video and writing the testimony.
I'll end with my testimony, but I'll also share an experience with it. Yesterday, as we were walking, we talked to a very interesting man. He was a student of the Torah, a practicer of the Law of Moses, but not a Jew. He used to be Christian, but drifted away until he began practicing the Law of Moses and lost his faith in Christ. He's studied Hebrew and is very knowledgeable about the 5 books of Moses, and the tribes of Israel. He has also read the Book of Mormon many times, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. He knows his stuff.
What good does it do him?
I would argue, none. He follows the law, but, like the pharisees of Christ's time, doesn't understand the true purpose of the law. He follows out of obedience, but that doesn't bring him peace. My testimony is that the only way we can find true peace and happiness in this life and in the life to come is through Jesus Christ. I wonder to myself sometimes "What if Jesus wasn't real? What if I didn't have a loving Heavenly Father?" I can tell you right now - if that were the case, I would be miserable. But, I know that because of Christ, I can be carried through my trials. Because of Christ, I can overcome my sins and my weaknesses. Because of Christ, I can even overcome death. One of the things that we tell investigators is "We don't know what you might be going through right now, but we know that by following Christ, we can overcome all of our trials. Following the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us a better life." I know this is true.
We just need to follow him and believe him. Elder Nelson and I have been watching church videos recently, particularly 17 Miracles and Legacy. The main thing to be learned from those - if we believe Christ, all things are possible. Not just believe in him, but believe him. He says that through him, we can be healed. Believe Him. He says that through him, we can overcome death. Believe Him. He says that through him, we can make it to the Celestial Kingdom. No matter what you have done, Believe Him. He can do anything. He made the world. Why can't he make you whole? He can, and he will. We just have to believe him.
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Easter. Good luck with everything that you do. Remember, our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. Don't believe me? Why don't you ask him? I know that he will answer, because he answered me.
Take Care! Be good!
Elder Alex Anderson
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