January 31, 2012
Week two. Ready to hit the ground! (Week 2 in the MTC, Provo Utah)
Well, things are coming along super fast, much faster than I
expected. To all those who didn't know, I will only be in the MTC until
next Monday, the 6th. And even then, I will be leaving very early in the
morning, so it hardly counts. I will be in the air before most of the
missionaries are even awake here.
It seems like such a short time to prepare. Less than three weeks
to learn how to teach people who may have never even heard of Jesus
Christ how to belive in him and his Atonement? It's insane! Even more
insane is how the Lord expects 19 year olds to learn how to do this!
Needless to say, I was at least a little skeptical before I came here to
the MTC. I have since repented. As Gabriel says to Mary "With God, all
things are possible."
To those of you thinking about going on a mission, or who are
working on their papers, or have their calls, know this: The MTC is an
intense learning environment. While you are here, you will be studying
for hours upon hours, teaching within the first 24 hours of being at the
MTC, and drastically changing your planning and scheduling habits. But,
it will be incredible. So incredible that when you leave, like myself,
you will realize how much more you still have to learn, even though you
have been learning non-stop for weeks on end.
For those of you that want a head start, learn charity. Learn how
to care about people from the moment you meet them. And when I say care,
I mean caring enough to listen to them, to have a desire to understand
them, as well as a desire to help them. This is one of the things which
is one of the most emphasized and most needed attributes of a
Nearly as important is obedience. Obedience is the shield which
protects missionaries, and everyone for that matter. Being a missionary
is difficult business. As prophets have said, the forces of the
adversary try their hardest to weaken those who are already strong. By
remaining obedient, you keep yourself from being placed in temptation
and qualify yourself for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.
This is something which can help everyone in their daily lives.
Anyway, thats enough preaching. It's been great here, but I'm super
exicted to get out to the field. Then, I will have actual stories to
tell. Things are pretty routine here at the MTC, so there really isn't
much to say.
As always, I love getting letters. Just be sure to send them to the
correct address. My MTC address is listed on the sidebar. My permenant
mission address is there as well. I love hearing from people and will
answer every letter which I get.
Lots of love to everyone. The Church is so incredibly true.
Elder Alex Anderson
January 24, 2012
Incredible Beginning (Week 1 in the MTC, Provo Utah)
Here I am. The first week here at the MTC, and first week as a missionary. I don't even recognize myself anymore. It has been such an incredible week that its difficult to know where to start. But I think the beginning would be appropriate.
The beginning being Tuesday night. One of the things which is most often forgotten but most important about beginning missionary work is the actual setting apart. This is done by the Stake President usually the night before the missionary is to leave, and I must say, it definitely testified to me about the importance of the calling I was receiving. It is one of the only times in my life up to that point that I can say I felt a literal 'burning in the bosom' like is spoken of in the scriptures. However, that feeling has come over and over again over the past week.
The 5 mile an hour jump out the car door and run drop off was definitely nice. I don't mean to say I didn't want to say bye to my family or anything. I just think I have been saying bye for long enough. I was ready to go.
We hit the ground running by meeting with our district and companions. Mine is a wonderful fellow from Hurricane, Utah named Elder Rowzee' (pronounced Rose-ay). He's a very quiet, shy individual who loves to sing in the shower and draw. He also has a talent for writing, and is right now drafting a book. Despite his quiet nature, he is very sincere and a wonderful companion.
To all those missionaries who are coming in, realize: It is harder than you think. You will never be stretched more. You will never have more required of you. You will never have as many changes to your life. But at the same time, you will never have a greater chance to learn what the gospel really means to you and what you can do to share it. In this past week, we have already had the chance to teach many, many lessons to many different people, and with the 3-4+ hours of study which they expect of us, I have learned so much about the scriptures and the Gospel. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to truly know what it means.
The food is good. The spirit is strong. I only have 30 minutes to write emails, and I've already gone too long. I pray every day to know what to say. And I will be glad to answer any letters that come my way. To anyone who reads this, I love and miss all of you, but this work is true and means so much to me. This past week was rough, but every day is getting better.
Lots of love, and good luck to all of you!
Elder Alex Anderson
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